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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

NASA Grant Shows the Power of RESEARCH Collaborations


Four 最靠谱的网赌软件 researchers have received a two-year $550,000 grant from NASA to pursue satellite remote sensing of coastal carbon accumulations using high-resolution imagery.

该倡议, led by Richard Zimmerman of the Bio-Optical RESEARCH Group, a professor in Old Dominion's Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, will study these vitally important ocean areas - referred to as vegetated coastal ecosystems.

这个项目, which will develop software tools for extracting seagrass distribution and biomass density from satellite imagery, is part of a new effort by the University to create multidisciplinary teams that provide focused expertise to local agencies and installations.

保罗·奥尔森, director of programs and partnerships for the University's RESEARCH处, was asked by Old Dominion President John R. Broderick to spearhead the establishment of the teams for both NASA and the Port of Virginia.

Olsen said that while the grant is not a direct result of the creation of these teams, the multi-disciplinary expertise assembled for this project helps validate the concept.

"This grant is symbolic because it represents President Broderick's effort to leverage the great partnership between ODU and NASA into funding for our University,奥尔森说. "We have unbelievable research talent here, and the establishment of the NASA research delivery team will play a key role going forward and will ensure we are collaborating across our University to best posture us for future opportunities."

这个项目 also features faculty researchers 维多利亚山, an oceanography research scientist; 江李, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, 和雷·托尔, Old Dominion's director of coastal resilience research. Toll has also worked to coordinate research delivery teams at Old Dominion.

"The principles follow a business model that I used in the private sector as a means to focus core competencies on a client. We have only begun this journey, but are already seeing success in this approach," 人数说.

The research delivery team working with the Port of Virginia has already linked into the Virginia Maritime Association, a network of more than 450 companies, 使用70,000年弗吉尼亚人, 人数说.

In the NASA-funded research project, the Old Dominion team seeks to enable the satellite monitoring of ecologically important seagrass ecosystems, which play an important role in promoting carbon storage in ocean waters.

The coastal ecosystems of mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows provide numerous benefits and services essential for climate change adaptation along coasts across the globe. These ecosystems sequester and store significant amounts of coastal blue carbon from the atmosphere and ocean and are now recognized for their role in mitigating climate change.

Despite these benefits and services, coastal blue carbon ecosystems are some of the most threatened ecosystems on Earth, 估计有340人,000 to 980,000 hectares being destroyed each year, according to the nonpartisan Blue Carbon Institute.



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访问ing Scholar Discusses how to Talk Science With Skeptics

John Cook of George Mason University, 谁来做演讲, “Responding to Alternative 事实 in a Post-Truth World,” as part of the ODU 弹性 Collaborative spring seminar series (更多)



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