Student 组织 资源

全年, 各种程序, 事件, and expectations are in place for student organizations and their leaders to maintain an active relationship with the University. 此外, 学生参与 and 传统 provides ongoing training and leadership development for organization members and 办公室rs. Below are important programs and deadlines that are crucial to the success of student organizations.



每年, currently registered student organizations are required to 重新注册 their organization in order to ensure that the University has current and accurate information.

续费 is completed via 君主组. Officers will receive communication from 学生参与 and 传统 when re-registration is available.

Failure to 重新注册 your organization will result in loss of registration status, requiring that the entire application process must be completed in order to re-start your organization. 另外, any funding that your organization has been allocated by SGA for the year will be removed from your 君主组 budget.

钱 & Calendar

每年, the Student Government Association reviews annual budget requests submitted by student organizations (which are registered as recognized) outlining their anticipated operating costs for the upcoming year.

Each request is reviewed by the SGA Finance Committee as well as volunteer ODU 教师/工作人员, and a detailed amount of funding is allocated to the organization to be used throughout the upcoming year. New organizations (that have been registered for less than two full consecutive semesters) are limited to a $500 initial annual budget.

Budget requests are submitted via 君主组 and, due dates are annouced by SGA at the beginning of the semester. 另外, several budget management and budget request training sessions are offered throughout the year. 组织 seeking to apply for an annual budget must attend one of these budget sessions prior to applying for an annual budget.

Requests can be submitted via the Treasury tab on your organization's 君主组 portal.


The Student Government Association asks that all organizations are active and contribute to the betterment of the uiniversity environment. Those organizations requesting an Annual Budget are required to achieve various 点 and 标准 in order to receive full funding of their SGA-allocated funds. For a list of these 点 and 标准, and for a more detailed explanation of how they impact an organization's funding, 参观君主集团.


每年, currently registered student organizations are required to 重新注册 their organization in order to ensure that the University has current and accurate information.

续费 is completed via 君主组. Officers will receive communication from 学生参与 and 传统 when re-registration is available.

Failure to 重新注册 your organization will result in loss of registration status, requiring that the entire application process must be completed in order to re-start your organization. 另外, any funding that your organization has been allocated by SGA for the year will be removed from your 君主组 budget.

钱 & Calendar

每年, the Student Government Association reviews annual budget requests submitted by student organizations (which are registered as recognized) outlining their anticipated operating costs for the upcoming year.

Each request is reviewed by the SGA Finance Committee as well as volunteer ODU 教师/工作人员, and a detailed amount of funding is allocated to the organization to be used throughout the upcoming year. New organizations (that have been registered for less than two full consecutive semesters) are limited to a $500 initial annual budget.

Budget requests are submitted via 君主组 and, due dates are annouced by SGA at the beginning of the semester. 另外, several budget management and budget request training sessions are offered throughout the year. 组织 seeking to apply for an annual budget must attend one of these budget sessions prior to applying for an annual budget.

Requests can be submitted via the Treasury tab on your organization's 君主组 portal.


The Student Government Association asks that all organizations are active and contribute to the betterment of the uiniversity environment. Those organizations requesting an Annual Budget are required to achieve various 点 and 标准 in order to receive full funding of their SGA-allocated funds. For a list of these 点 and 标准, and for a more detailed explanation of how they impact an organization's funding, 参观君主集团.

招聘 & 培训

Involvement fair sign up

The Student 组织 Fair is a great opportunity for you to spread the word about your organization to the campus community. At the beginning of each semester, the Student 组织 Fair invites students to meet and greet representatives from student organizations to get more information about their mission, 活动, 以及如何加入.

The Student 组织 Fair takes place in the first weeks of an academic semester. Student organizations must register prior to each fair.

Dates and registration for the Student 组织 Fair can be found on 君主组.

Involvement fair sign up

The Student 组织 Fair is a great opportunity for you to spread the word about your organization to the campus community. At the beginning of each semester, the Student 组织 Fair invites students to meet and greet representatives from student organizations to get more information about their mission, 活动, 以及如何加入.

The Student 组织 Fair takes place in the first weeks of an academic semester. Student organizations must register prior to each fair.

Dates and registration for the Student 组织 Fair can be found on 君主组.


Access 事件, announcements & resources across campus. Track involvement, get connected to organizations & 寻找其他帝王蝶.


Student 组织 must comply with the Code of Student Conduct and its policies on organizational behavior.